How to create Conspiracy Theories and how Kamala Harris’ presidential nomination was planned from the beginning.

Jens Scholz
3 min readJul 23, 2024


I’d like to explain how to fabricate a #conspiracy theory and then present one that explains how the Biden-Harris candidate switch was the plan from day one to corner the Republicans in a deadlock and win the election:

1. Take something that had a chance of 50/50 because there was no clear path and intention for it to happen in one particular way.

2. Write down the steps that were in favor of the actual outcome backwards.

3. Pick the “player” you want to have all this planned and crafted.

4. Go one step back from the end and find a narrative for how that player managed to get there from the step before. It’s easy to find one, because you know to outcome. No need to be too reasonable, because the proof is that it happened.

5. Repeat with each step as far into the past as you can or like.

6. When you reach the first step, establish your chosen “player” as protagonist and mastermind who has all this planned and tell the story from the beginning.

— —

I did exactly this to explain my story of how Biden, Harris and their co-conspirators made sure that Harris became the democratic pick:

In the US everything is run by rich oligarchs who even control the media and would never have accepted a progressive woman of color as presidential candidate. She would have been under fire from all sides until the democrats convention would pick any centrist white business-guy over her.

So Biden and his co-conspirators (i.e. Psaki, Pelosi, Shumer etc.) decided to let the convention believe that he runs again. But the plan was never to go through with it. Instead Biden began to act old: he stopped when he walked out of a room, he did some more of his typical gaffes and began to show off “old people” behaviour. That way they managed to get the media and the republicans to concentrate on his age.

As soon as this was the sole topic they pushed it a little more by botching the debate (that was the reason they wanted the debate that early) and then some selected democrats expressed “their doubts”.

With the help of late night show hosts playing their part in the ruse when they acted panicky about the weakness of Bidens “crumbling campaign” the Republicans and the media finally fell for it — even more fired up by Biden now being “stubborn” by saying he will definitely stay in the race, which made the bait even juicier.

So the Republican convention completely focused on Biden and his “decline”. This was exactly what Biden wanted.

During the week after the GOP convention all of his social media accounts began to posts pictures with him and Harris. Everyone got their instruction to post their endorments as soon as Biden posts his declaration to step down and giving Harris his running spot.

And then — on monday morning — it happened and now you can see how huge the group of conspirators was. Even Nikki Hailey was in the loop. She endorsed Trump over Biden(!): But her voters PAC works for Harris now. See what she did there?

And that ensured Harris candidacy, because now the corporate democrats are outmaneuvered. Some of them tried to bring Manchin into the game but that was laughed off immediately. Bidens timing was absolutely on spot. Now Harris is set.

The “Biden is old” as the whole argument against him lost all its relevance and vanished on the spot. All the arguments against Harris are already known from 4 years ago and are old news (and didn’t help, she did become VP anyway).

The GOP is in absolute chaos, because now their whole strategy doesn’t apply to the democrats candidate anymore but to their own!

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I am sure this is NOT how it happened. But this is how you can make a straight conspiracy story out of a totally turmoiled and chaotic timeline of random events.

The funny thing about it is that even if you know that it’s a fabrication the story makes what happened bearable.

The power of a good story can change how you feel about something just because it makes sense (regardless of the facts) and this is what makes conspiracy theories so addictive.



Jens Scholz
Jens Scholz

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